Reducing Violent Crime
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Focused Deterrence in Cambridge, MA
JSS in partnership with the University of Massachusetts – Lowell was awarded a Bureau of Justice Assistance – Smart Policing Initiative grant to evaluate a collaborative focused deterrence initiative by the Cambridge, Everett, and Somerville Police Departments. Using criminal history information, these agencies identified the top 150 chronic offenders who were then randomly assigned to control and treatment groups. The offenders in the treatment group were notified that they were identified as a high-risk impact player in criminal activity and were invited to participate in notification meetings. At these meetings, offenders were connected with representatives for social services, but also notified that they would be held strongly accountable for later infractions. Officers then collaborated with probation, parole, prosecutors, judges, and federal law enforcement to both provide additional assistance and resources to promote desistence as well as enhancing monitoring for further criminal involvement. Results from this evaluation have been prominently featured in published journal articles and NIJ reports.
Evaluation of Project Safe Neighborhood Sites
Justice & Security Strategies, Inc. will be working with the Bureau of Justice Assistance in evaluating four Project Safe Neighborhood sites. Check back for more information on this project.